Coca-Cola Campaign Christmas 2021: EDEN LAWRENCE
“When I found out that I had been cast in this year’s Coca-Cola Christmas advert I was soooo excited! My Dad had taken me to London and we got the call before I had even got home!
Two weeks later my mum and I flew out to Budapest. We stayed in a super posh hotel and were lucky enough to have the next two days free to explore the city and be tourists. The third day was a rehearsal day, where I got to meet the other cast members and have a chat with the director, he was very nice to me and I couldn’t wait to start filming the following day.
The next six days were full on filming, with sets, snow machines, Christmas decorations, lights, oh and lots of very wintery clothes (even though it was 30°C outside!) but I was just so happy to be there.

Seeing the set for the first time felt very magical, it was so big and there was so much detail that it felt more like a movie set than an advert. I even got to have a go at being a camera man and the Director’s assistant! There were hundreds of crew members, as well as producers, costume designers, make-up artists, and the Coca-Cola bosses had flown in from all over the world to see it too.

I was asked to do a press interview too, I got to wear my smart clothes and sit in a chair all lit up with lights, then they asked me questions and filmed my answers, I got a bit nervous but it was fine and it all went well. I felt like a superstar!

The last day’s filming was a long day and included a night shoot out on location. There was a HUGE set, the full front of an apartment building where I had to be high up on a balcony! There were lots and lots of snow machines and it looked so amazing. At 1:30am we wrapped on our final scene of the shoot, everyone clapped and cheered and the executive producer picked me up and spun me around, it made me feel really nice and happy that they were all so happy with me.

The next day was time to fly back home. I felt really emotional to be leaving, I’d had such an amazing experience, made new friends, seen a city I had never seen before, and had made memories that I will remember forever. I am very lucky and very grateful” – EDEN LAWRENCE